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The following terms and conditions (the "Terms and Conditions") govern your use of Henri Strauss Productions-operated websites and/or mobile apps (collectively, the "Site").  The Site is made available by Henri Strauss Productions and its affiliates (collectively, "we" or "us").  We may change the Terms and Conditions from time to time, at any time without notice to you, by posting such changes on the Site. 

Our Sites may include the option to purchase physical or digital goods.



If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you may not access or otherwise use the Site.



Proprietary Rights

As between you and Henri Strauss Productions, Henri Strauss Productions owns, solely and exclusively, all rights, title, and interest in and to the Site, all the content (including, for example, audio, photographs, illustrations, graphics, other visuals, video, copy, lyrics, software, etc.). code, data, and materials thereon, the look and feel design and organization of the Site, and the compilation of the content, code, data, and materials on the Site, including but not limited to any copyrights, trademarks, patents, database, moral, sui generis and other intellectual property and proprietary rights therein.  Your use of the Site does not grant you ownership of any content, code, data, or materials you may access on the Site.  You may view the content on the Site on your computer or other internet-compatible device, and make single copies or prints of the content on the Site for your personal, internal use only.  Any commercial distribution, publishing, or exploitation of the Site, or any content, code, data, or materials on the Site, is strictly prohibited unless you have received the express prior permission of Henri Strauss Productions or the applicable rights holder.  (The Site may contain some features that enable you to obtain rights to use certain of the content on the Site. In such situations, your rights to use such content are limited to the rights expressly granted by Henri Strauss Productions in such situations.)  You may not otherwise copy, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise exploit any content, code, data, or materials on the Site.  If you make other use of the Site, or the content, code, data, or materials thereon, except as otherwise provided above, you may violate copyright and other laws of South Africa, other countries, as well as applicable state laws and may be subject to liability for such unauthorized use.  Henri Strauss Productions will aggressively enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.



The trademarks, logos, service marks and trade names (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed on the Site are registered and unregistered Trademarks of Henri Strauss Productions and others and may not be used in connection with products and/or services that are not related to, associated with, or sponsored by their rights holders that are likely to cause customer confusion, or in any manner that disparages or discredits their rights holders.  All Trademarks not owned by Henri Strauss Productions that appear on the Site, if any, are the property of their respective owners.  Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Site without the written permission of Henri Strauss Productions or the third party that may own the applicable Trademark. Your misuse of the Trademarks displayed on the Site is strictly prohibited.  Henri Strauss Productions will aggressively enforce its Trademark rights to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.


User Information

In the course of your use of the Site, you may be asked to provide certain personalized information to us (such information referred to hereinafter as "User Information").  Our information collection and use policies with respect to the privacy of such User Information are set forth in the Site's Privacy Policy which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes.  You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the accuracy and content of User Information. 


Unsolicited Materials

Unless specifically requested, we do not solicit nor do we wish to receive any confidential, secret or proprietary information or other material from you through the Site, by e-mail or in any other way.  Any information, creative works, demos, ideas, suggestions, concepts, methods, systems, designs, plans, techniques or other materials submitted or sent to us ("Submitted Materials") will be deemed not to be confidential or secret, and may be used by us in any manner consistent with the Site's Privacy Policy.  By submitting or sending Submitted Materials to us, you: (i) represent and warrant that the Submitted Materials are original to you, that no other party has any rights thereto, and that any "moral rights" in Submitted Materials have been waived, and (ii) you grant us a royalty-free, unrestricted, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and fully transferable, assignable and sublicensable right and license to use, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display such material (in whole or part) and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed.  We cannot be responsible for maintaining any Submitted Material that you provide to us, and we may delete or destroy any such Submitted Material at any time.


User Conduct

You warrant and agree that, while using the Site, you shall not upload, post or transmit to the Site, or distribute or otherwise publish through the Site, any materials that: (a) are protected by third party copyright, or other proprietary or intellectual property right; (b) are unlawful, threatening, hateful, tortuous, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy or publicity rights, harassing, profane, obscene, vulgar or that contain explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts (including but not limited to sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals), (c) restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Site, (d) constitute or encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense or give rise to civil liability, or (e) contain a virus or other harmful component, advertising of any kind, or false or misleading indications of origin or statements of fact. 

You also warrant and agree that you shall not: (a) impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with any other person or entity; (b) upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or in any way exploit any information or other material obtained through the Site for commercial purposes (other than as expressly permitted by the provider of such information or other material); (c) engage in spamming, flooding, harvesting of e-mail addresses or other personal information, spidering, "screen scraping," "database scraping," or any other activity with the purpose of obtaining lists of users or other information, or send chain letters or pyramid schemes via the Site; or (d) attempt to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems through the Site. You agree that you will not use the Site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of the Site. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available or provided for through the Site.

Although Henri Strauss Productions may from time to time monitor or review discussions, chats, postings, transmissions, bulletin boards, and the like on the Site, Henri Strauss Productions is under no obligation to do so and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the content of any such locations on the Site nor for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger, or inaccuracy contained in any information within such locations on the Site. You agree that if you include a link from any other website to the Site, such link shall open in a new browser window.  You agree not to link from any other website to this Site in any manner such that the Site, or any page of the Site, is "framed," surrounded or obfuscated by any third party content, materials or branding.  We reserve the right to revoke your right to link to the Site from your website at any time upon written notice to you. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Henri Strauss Productions and its directors, officers, employees, agents or content or service providers (collectively, "Protected Entities") harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising in any way from your use of the Site, your placement or transmission of any message, content, information, software or other materials through the Site, or your breach or violation of the law or of these Terms and Conditions. Henri Strauss Productions reserves the right, at its own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification by you, and in such case, you agree to cooperate with Universal's defense of such claim.


Account and Password

You may be enabled to create an account in the Site ("Account") using a stand-alone registration or social media logins ("Login").  You shall be entirely responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of any username or password administered to you through your Login; for any access to or use of the Site by you or any person or entity using the username or password, whether or not such access or use has been authorized by or on behalf of you, and whether or not such person or entity is your employee or agent; and for all activities that are conducted through your Account.  You agree to (a) ensure that you exit from your Account at the end of each session and (b) immediately notify Henri Strauss Productions if you have any reason to believe an unauthorized use of your password or Account or any other breach of security has taken place.  It is your sole responsibility to control the dissemination and use of your password, control access to and use of your Account, and notify Henri Strauss Productions when you desire to cancel your Account on the Site.  Henri Strauss Productions will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this provision.


Applicable Laws

We control and operate the Site from our offices in South Africa.  We do not represent that materials on the Site are appropriate or available for use in other locations.  Persons who choose to access the Site from other locations do so on their own initiative, and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.


Modifications to the Site and the Services

We reserve the right, for any reason, in our sole discretion, to terminate, change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Site, including, but not limited to, content, features or hours of availability.  We may also impose limits on certain features of the Site or restrict your access to part or all of the Site without notice or penalty.  Henri Strauss Productions reserves the right to temporarily or permanently terminate your membership on the Site for any or no reason without prior notice.  



Last updated: 1 April 2024
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